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Saturday, May 22, 2010

Why Banning Facebook?

Blanket ban on an informative and interactive website is counter-productive and meaningless. Symbolic ban to record protest is a right which should be accepted. And banning a particular URL which is offensive or even whole site (even FB) if the site continues to indulge ' deliberately' in hateful activities despite polite reminders, symbolic banning and constructive debate is very much justified. As you know Facebook has a policy and we have witnessed many among us have been restricted ( by banning a group or a page) or banned by FB admin on different pretexts. Even unjustifiably at times. So when millions of Muslims request FB to ban a group which clearly offends 1.5 billion Muslims and violates their own terms they do not pay heed to it and ignore all the requests. That is hypocrisy. If they apologize and sympathize with Muslims and take care of our concerns as they do for non-Muslims we have no objection. Prejudice and injustice is what I object to. Banning YouTube and Wikipedia was uncalled-for and no one demanded that in particular. I support this ban as I think it as a means to record protest and I want every URL which is offensive to be permanently banned and for this a cell should be created in PTA for continuous vigilance as we see in West the way they keep track of every thing which happens in Muslim world. Technology should be used to combat technology. Tit for tat on equal groundings.
Pakistan should not go backwards for sure. As you know many Pakistanis have excelled in different scientific fields as well as info technology. They have set records and are serving in Microsoft. Anyhow excelling in technology and getting educated is a must and is considered a "Fardh' in Islam. Talibanism is not Islam. Those who make hue and cry are only in media. They have no public support in Pakistan and they do not win seats in assemblies.

At the same time no Muslim can and should tolerate any one trying to insult our prophet (SAWW) because this is part and parcel of our faith and a source of strength and unity for us.

Now I tell the hypocrisy of the West in just a few words.

Holocaust denial is punishable in Europe -Why? - Where is freedom of speech?
Why Aljazeera, Al-manar and Al-Rahmah were banned in West?
Why Nickie Davidson was sentenced in UK just because he created an anti-Jew group ' arian strike' on a website on Apr 30, 2010?
What about veil ban?

West is powerful so they influence our minds so that we follow what they teach what they say. No one is against education and information but information at the cost of one's integrity, honor, dignity, values and freedom is not acceptable. We should educate ourselves and should unite and be powerful so that no one can disrespect our religion and our Prophet.

Japanese, Chinese, Koreans, French, Germans, Malaysians, Cubans and a few more are prospering and they are not leaving their values. They see and read what they want and they compete via technology. Why can't we Muslims do that. Is it necessary to copy west in order to prosper? I do not think so.

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